We Stand in Solidarity

Dear WTFC Members,

The events of the past few weeks make it clear yet again that we all must stand against injustice and reaffirm to all that Black Lives Matter. The WTFC Board of Directors stands in opposition to a system that allows for racist killings of black people and the lack of justice served to those responsible. We also object to the violent silencing by police of those who wish to peacefully speak out against injustice, including what happened to our neighbors mere blocks away in Flatbush over this past weekend. If you have marched in protest, are grieving, or have comforted someone who is grieving, you are a part of the change that is needed. As a community we have the gift and responsibility to fortify one another and fight for the world we all deserve. We must each do what we can to change a system that perpetuates injustice. If you’re searching for a way to contribute, here is a list of frequently updated resources — petitions to sign, organizations to support, bail funds to donate to, and anti-racism materials, among others.

We recognize that our Food Coop is only one small part of actualizing a better world, but remember that this is your Coop to do so. In the past several months, the community of our Coop has come together to withstand and flourish in unimaginable and unparalleled circumstances. The WTFC Board of Directors is in gratitude and awe of the leadership and hard work of all of our members, and especially our managers. We are amazed by what we have accomplished together. Thank you.

We cannot say it enough: Black Lives Matter.

In unity,

Board of Directors, Windsor Terrace Food Coop

Charlotte Chapman, MC Forelle, Jeremiah Fox, Rosanna Gowell, Sheila McDevitt, Jack O’Connell and Corey Tegeler