History and Vision

The Windsor Terrace Food Coop adventure began after the closing of the local Key Food in 2012, when an ever-growing group of Windsor Terrace and surrounding neighborhood residents met in an exceptional effort to create a community-owned, member-operated, cooperative food store that would provide high-quality food at affordable prices for its members.

Vision Statement: To operate a community-based, participatory food cooperative that provides its members with the opportunity to purchase reasonably priced, high quality food.

The following steps from the Vision Statement were accomplished:

  1. Email List developed – 750 persons
  2. Bylaws developed
  3. Website launched
  4. Board of Directors elected
  5. Federal EIN Number acquired
  6. Bank Account established
  7. Web Site Credit Card Capability established
  8. Community Cultivation Event undertaken

Co-Sponsored by local merchants: The Brooklyn Commune, Juicebox and Varick Street Litho.  An additional 125 people were added to the Coop Email List.

  1. Membership Campaign Initiated

The Campaign, although continuous, enlisted 255 persons, each paid a $100 Annual Membership Fee in 10 days from November 16 through December 1, 2014. People continue to enroll on a daily basis.

  1. Incorporated

New York State Department of State incorporated the Windsor Terrace Food Cooperative under Article 11 of the New York State Food Cooperative Law.

  1. Lease signed for store space – 825 Caton Ave.