The Windsor Terrace Food Coop adventure began after the closing of the local Key Food in 2012, when an ever-growing group of Windsor Terrace and surrounding neighborhood residents met in an exceptional effort to create a community-owned, member-operated, cooperative food store that would provide high-quality food at affordable prices for its members.
Vision Statement: To operate a community-based, participatory food cooperative that provides its members with the opportunity to purchase reasonably priced, high quality food.
The following steps from the Vision Statement were accomplished:
- Email List developed – 750 persons
- Bylaws developed
- Website launched
- Board of Directors elected
- Federal EIN Number acquired
- Bank Account established
- Web Site Credit Card Capability established
- Community Cultivation Event undertaken
Co-Sponsored by local merchants: The Brooklyn Commune, Juicebox and Varick Street Litho. An additional 125 people were added to the Coop Email List.
- Membership Campaign Initiated
The Campaign, although continuous, enlisted 255 persons, each paid a $100 Annual Membership Fee in 10 days from November 16 through December 1, 2014. People continue to enroll on a daily basis.
- Incorporated
New York State Department of State incorporated the Windsor Terrace Food Cooperative under Article 11 of the New York State Food Cooperative Law.
- Lease signed for store space – 825 Caton Ave.